Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I'm Baaaaack!

Well, we finally sold our house!!! It closed on June 4th, and we were mostly moved by then. We moved into another house we own by our church. We are going to sell it as well. It is quite smaller than our old house, and the yard needs work. The house if cute and cozy, a lot had to go into storage. The girls love it because there are lots of neighbor kids to play with. Our back yard has snakes, EWWW, and so Adam has hired the little neighbor boys to catch them. I won't be going out back all summer. (shiver)
Now that we are settled, I am trying to get back on my training schedule for my triathlon, but Adam is working all summer so has to be gone earlier. We also moved away from the bike trails and so that makes it a lot harder for me to train. It is pretty depressing. I'll be lucky if I don't die during the race.
I stopped by our old house to see if they had any of our mail, and talked with the woman for a long time. They love the house and she is super grateful and sweet. She even wanted me to come by any time and visit, and even go walking with her. So it is a good thing and we are dealing just fine. Yeah for us!!!